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mutual dependence中文是什么意思

用"mutual dependence"造句"mutual dependence"怎么读"mutual dependence" in a sentence


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  • The rejection of absolute space and absolute time introduces this mutual dependence of space and time .
  • One important condition for mutual trust is the mutual support and benefits , and mutual dependence
  • The relationship between them is not distance , gulf or juxtaposition , but intimacy , mutual dependence and intergrowth
  • They exist on mutual dependence and compose the operating system of newspaper group ' s sustainable development together
  • Mutual dependence , common destiny , homogeneity , self - restraint is four major variables of european identity
  • The acts have the characters of relativity , mutual dependence and double purposes , which distinguish themselves from the acts in civil law
  • The purpose of this paper is to examine the differences between marketing channel members ' perceptions of mutual dependence , and the impact of the differences on conflict in a channel dyad
  • It not only makes the most nations melt into the general operation of world economy , deepen mutual dependence , but also affects the economical development of every country deeply
  • Besides , the characteristics of small and middle firms are expected to have contextual effects . the major findings from this research include , mutual trust and mutual dependence between firms , will effect the long - term partnership orientations , and enhance the relationship performance
  • It maintains that good application comes only after a comprehensive and in - depth research and understanding of the theory . it also contends thai effective measures should be taken to achieve less mutual dependence of universities and the government and greater autonomy of the universities as the reform of the higher learning system is inevitable . finally it proposes that more publicity should be made to help establish sound mindset on the consumption and quality of higher education and that social reform should be deepened to create an environment conducive to the earlier realization of the goal of higher education popularization
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用"mutual dependence"造句  
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